Landscape Painting – PART I

Landscape painting is a fascinating subject. The United States has a unique advantage of having a variety of landforms. Each landform has different characteristics during times of the year and each time it is equally beautiful.
All types of landforms have unique characteristic and require skills to draw and paint. Hence, it is important to know the various techniques of painting them. It is equally significant to understand the various colors and their properties to grasp the concepts of landscape.
What is Landscape Painting?
A Landscape painting is an artist's impression of a natural scene that one sees across a large expanse of land and captures the same in a painting.
The actual landscape is three-dimensional, whereas a painting on paper is two-dimensional. To create a three-dimensional effect, the colors of the distant objects are subdued and the details are blurred. Objects in the foreground are shown bright with more details and highlighted to enhance their effect.
Method to draw a landscape
- After selecting an appropriate scene for the painting, divide the picture into lower and upper parts as your picture might require.
- Draw the objects in their proper proportions, i.e., the objects at a distance should be smaller compared to the objects in the foreground.
- Paint the background first, using light colors. Use well diluted colors to create an effect of distance. Also, always paint the objects in the background completely. For instance, if there are mountains behind the trees in a picture, first the mountains should be completely painted in order to maintain continuity and give a natural look to the painting.
- Let the background colors dry completely. Then paint the middle ground with brighter colors than that of a background without much detailing.
- Finally, paint the foreground with bright colors and with details. Highlight the picture/objects wherever required.
Things to remember while painting:
- Make sure that all your brushes are clean before you begin to paint.
- Use thick brushes for applying wash and thinner ones to paint small areas.
- Paint the picture from top to bottom to avoid smudging of wet paint by hand.
- Let the applied color dry first to avoid unwanted mixing of colors on paper.
- Always do patch test of prepared color on a small area before painting the area completely.
Basic elements of Landscape Painting
Painting landscapes requires great care and skill. A good practice in painting the various elements of a landscape such as sky, water, bushes, trees, mountains, etc., beforehand will help in painting them. Colors are used depending on the season and mood of nature like summer will have warm color scheme; winter will have cool color scheme; and spring will have beautiful rainbow colors.
Look for more details on landscape in the next issue and till then practice some basic landscape.
Remember: When it’s from HEART, its ART
Shyama Rangwala can be reached at (813) 843-6784, e-mail [email protected] or visit www.shyamshyama.com or check Shyama’s Art on Facebook.