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Zodiac signs



Aries (March 21-April 20)

Financial concerns will keep you alert and loans, funds and legacies will demand your time and attention. Thus, it is a month where physical and material pressures play tug of war.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)

It is time to resolve old issues and move ahead. Don�t be stubborn but learn to be tactful and diplomatic. Only diplomacy will help you solve problems. Overall, it will be a relaxing month for you to enjoy. Things will all fall in place.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)

This time you wish to achieve more than you already have. You are not willing to compromise on quality or quantity. You desire to get things done your way. This means that most of the work will have to be done by you alone. The perfectionist in you will not let you rest.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

You will have high energy and dynamic approach and it may win favors from superiors. During the first and second week of the month, romance can prove quite exciting, especially if you are starting a new relationship that is stimulating and somewhat volatile. During mid-month, a leisure pursuit is better done on your own rather than in a group. Also, your financial position will improve.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

This is an easygoing month for many of you. Do not push yourself too hard in the first half of the month. You will undoubtedly need to have your wits about you in weeks ahead. You will need all the energy you can muster to cope with an ever-changing situation from third week onward.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 23)

During the second and third weeks of the month, you are likely to feel a delayed emotional reaction to the events of the past few weeks. Friends will be supportive during those sensitive days. Relatives and friends will bring up a surprise at the end of the month.

Libra (Sept. 24-Oct. 23)

You must be prepared for the unexpected at all times. You may have to make alterations to your programs. The actions or words of friends can catch you by surprise. Students will see their efforts being fruitful in the second week of the month. During the second half of the month, lack of openness and directness between romantic partners is likely to give rise to misunderstanding.

Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 22)

During the month, members of your family may become a bit demanding. Health of a loved one may need some attention. Some of you will have to face reality and settle for dealing with mundane jobs in the second half. Relax in the last weekend of the month and give yourself a break from the pressure that you have been working under.

Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 21)

This is a good month for many of you. After a long wait, conjugal life may be somewhat easier in the first half of the month. Besides that, financial worries will disappear up to next month. Use your time in pending work and domestic problems at once. You should be able to make a modest killing if you put the finishing touches on a deal in the second half of the month. Take advantage of the peaceful conditions till month end.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

During the month, some of your health needs more protection. There is a greater risk of catching cold and infections in the second half. Some misunderstanding can arise with business ventures. Family members may not intend to be trying to rub you up the wrong way.

Aquarius (Jan. 21-Feb. 19)

You will carry out all your tasks cheerfully and without complaints. Your efforts will be duly rewarded as well. The fruits will manifest themselves on many different levels and you will enjoy them. Your popularity and public image will receive a good boost. There might be good write-ups about you as well.

Pisces (Feb. 20-March 20)

This is a sensitive month. You will just have to shrug your shoulders and get on with routine matters. The best attitude for you will be a philosophical one. During the second half, some disputes in service matters get resolved to your advantage. Speculation will give you some benefits only if you take a calculated step in the mid of the month.

For more accurate predictions according to Hindu Vedic sastra (moon sign), call 1-866-287-3415 or click on www.123naseeb.com on the Internet.
Services offered: Vedic astrology, numerology, reiki, yoga.

For more accurate predictions according to Hindu Vedic sastra (moon sign), call 1-866-287-3415 or click on www.123naseeb.com on the Internet.
Services offered: Vedic astrology, numerology, reiki, yoga.

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