An IT Consult Comp The Brixton Group Inc., in Charlotte NC, is hiring for Control System Computer Scientist (CSCS) for their Tampa, FL office. Briefly, the duties of CSCS include prob analysis; dev solutions; assigning/scheduling tasks; monitoring quality assurance tasks; managing analysis/testing activities; dev organizational goals, policies & procedures; conducting software analysis & project management; monitoring testing activities & documenting deliverables to ensure audit compliance etc. Applicant must have a bachelor’s degree in MIS plus 5 yrs exp as quality assurance analyst. Knowledge & experience of working with software like HP Quality Center 10.1, HP Quicktest Pro, Mercury Interactive Winrunner, Devtrak, Astra Quicktest, AstraLoadtest, Anthill Pro, BEA Weblogic, IBM MVS, Apache Tomcat and IBM MQ Series is must. Mail resumes to 518 N. Tampa St., Suite 320, Tampa, FL 33602, ATTN: HR.
Couple looking for at home babysitter for their 2-year-old in Brandon/Valrico area. Please call Varsha at (813) 417-0434 for details.
Classifieds start at $20. To list your classified ad (for sale, help wanted, services offered, announcements), call (813) 758-1786 or e-mail [email protected]
Announcements start at $20. Send your best wishes to family and loved ones for occasions such as birthday, engagement, marriage and anniversary. Call (813) 758-0518 or e-mail [email protected]