ARIES / Mesha (Fire sign, ruling planet is Mars) - (March 21 – April 20)
Mars Sign – Stars covered Ashwini, Bharani, Krittika (1st Part)
Great recovery of health, wealth and outstanding dues! Investments of any kind will be rewarding. Gains through employment, employer or an employee friend! Wind-, veins- or bones-related problems may force to take leave from work. High expenses on vehicles. Children will be forthcoming with help; excellent domestic conditions seen! People are happy being in your company. Stay away from over-indulgence in every activity. Days: all.
Suitable: colors white, red and black. Days: all. Precaution: Don’t overstress. Propitiate: Pray to Rahu and Ketu.
For Rahu: “Ardhakayam mahaveeryam chandradhithya vimardhanam
Simhika gharbha Sambhootham, tham Rahum Prananmamyaham”
Gayathri Mantra: “Naka dwajaya vidmahe, padma hasthaya dheemahi Thanno rahuh prachodayat”
For Kethu: “Palasha pushpa sankasham, taraka grahamasthakam
Raudram raudrathamakam ghoram, tham kethum Prananmamyaham”
Gayathri Mantra: “Aswa dwajaya vidmahe, shoola hasthaya dheemahi Thanno kethu prachodayat”
TAURUS / Vrushabha (Earthen sign, ruling planet is Venus) - (April 21 – May 21)
Venus Sign - Stars covered Krittika (last 3 parts), Rohini, Mrigashira (first 2 parts)
Dental, optical and vision related problems, expenses with dentists and opticians seen. You will achieve results but face obstacles; children may also require extra attention. Monetary gains through spouse and in-laws. Wait for some time if planning a business alliance. New real estate investments may not be favorable. Good news is just around the corner. With little push, you can gain in career boost or change as well. Suitable colors: white, green, copper, yellow, orange and red.
Precaution: Remain happy! Propitiate: Prayers offered for Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are highly beneficial.
For Jupiter: “Devanam cha rishinaam cha gurum kanchana sannibham
Budhibootham thrilokesham, tham namami Brihaspitam”
Gayathri Mantra: “Vrushabha dwajaya vidmahe, grini hasthaya dheemahi
Thanno guru prachodayat”
For Saturn: “Neelanjana samabhasam Ravi puthram yamagrajam
Chaya marthanda sambhutham, tham namami shanaiswaram”
Gayathri Mantra: “Kaka dwajaya vidmahe, ghadga hasthaya dheemahi
Thanno mandhah prachodayat”
GEMINI / Mithuna (Air sign, ruling planet is Mercury) - (May 22 – June 21)
Mercury Sign - Stars covered Mrigashira (last 2 parts), Ardra & Punarvasu (first 3 parts)
Victory over all inimical forces, gains through travelling overseas; problems of stomach and lower abdomen possible! Gains through family but not through friends. Right eye may develop some infection. Abundant monetary gains in real estate, buying or selling or commission job. Career change for lawyers, accountants, communications, artists, media and people in government jobs is seen; much wealth and monetary gains for a lot of people will continue for some time.
Days: Sunday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday. Propitiate: Prayer for Moon, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are helpful.
*For Rahu / Ketu, see Aries sign. For Saturn, see Taurus sign
For Moon: “Dhathi Shanka thusharabam skirodharnava sambhavam
Namami shashinam somam shambho mukhuta bhooshanam”
Gayathri Mantra: “Padma dwajaya vidmahe, hema roopaya dheemahi
Thannas somah prajodayath”
CANCER / Kataka (Watery sign, ruling planet is Moon) - (June 22 – July 22)
Moon Sign – Stars covered Punarvasu (4th part), Pushya, Aslesha
Tremendous gains in new or in current employment. Promotion or salary increase seen; however obstacles will be felt on the way! Victory in disputes or litigation with elder siblings may win you unexpected fortune. Spiritual advancement and growth will be felt internally. Be careful with signing any document; not a favorable time for relationships, be careful. Health needs extra attention.
Suitable: colors white, yellow and light green. Days: Monday, Friday. Precaution: Have faith in self. Propitiate Mars, Saturn, and Rahu and Ketu.
*For Rahu / Ketu, see Aries sign, For Saturn, see Taurus sign
For Mars: “Dharani garabha sambhootham, vidyutkanthi samaprabham
Kumaram shakthi hastham, tham Mangalam pranamamyaham”
Gayathri Mantra: “Veera dwajaya vidmahe, vighna hasthaya dheemahi
Thanno bhowmah prachodayat”
LEO / Simha (Fire sign, ruling planet is Sun) - (July 23 – August 22)
Sun Sign – Stars covered Magha, Purva Phalguni, Uttara Phalguni (1st part)
Loss of money through litigation; avoid careless driving chance of accident or much expense on vehicles seen. Tremendous gain from overseas business journey, especially for publishers, philosophers and intellectuals! Merit, gains and honour for people in authority! Picking up legacy business of parents will be fruitful. Control your emotions and anger. Health conditions need to be taken care at slightest provocation. Suitable colors: Red, orange. Days: Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Propitiate Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu. *For Rahu / Ketu, see Aries sign. For Saturn, see Taurus sign. For Jupiter, see Taurus
Suitable: colors red, orange. Days: Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Propitiate: Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu.
VIRGO / Kanya (Earthen sign, ruling planet is Mercury) (August 23 – Sept. 22)
Mercury Sign – Stars covered Uttara Phalguni (last 3 parts), Hasta, Chitra (first 2 parts)
Real estate gains through immovable property! Gains through deceased; dispute with government or authorities, especially taxations, may result in monetary loss! Exercise extreme caution while filling or filing papers. Circulation- and liver-related problems may occur. All three doshas prevail and will be high. Domestic conditions might be strained. Suitable colors: Green, blue and black. Days: All. Propitiate Sun, Mars, Mercury and Saturn. For Saturn, see Taurus sign. For Mars, see Cancer
For Sun: “Japa Kusum sankaasham khasyapeyam mahadyuthim
Thamorim sarva papagnam pranathosmi divakaram”
Gayathri Mantra: “Aswa dwajaya vidmahe pasha hasthaya dheemahi
Thannas surya prachodayath”
For Mercury: “Priyaangu kalikashyamam rupenaprathimum budham
Somayam somayagunoopetham tham Budham pranamamyaham”
Gayathri Mantra: “Gajah dwajaya vidmahe, sukhasthaya dheemahi
Thanno budhah prachodayat”
LIBRA / Tula (Air sign, ruling planet is Venus) - (September 23 – October 23)
Venus Sign – Stars covered Chitra (last 2 parts), Swati, Vishakha (first 3 parts)
Throat- or tonsil-related problems may aggravate; domestic tensions may increase as well. Gains through friends; possibility of new business or matrimonial alliances; Colon- or piles-related problems might increase; trouble with ancestral property is seen too! Favourable time for a job change seen. Spousal dominance and interference will be high and over bearing sometimes; be positive. Suitable colors: White, black, yellow, green and shades of blue. Days: All. Propitiate Sun, Mercury, Rahu and Ketu. *For Rahu / Ketu, see ARIES sign, For Sun and Mercury, see Virgo
SCORPIO / Vruschika (Water sign, ruling planet is Mars) - (October 24 – Nov 22)
Mars Sign – Stars covered Vishakha (4th part), Anuradha, Jyestha
Tremendous monetary gains through real estate business seen! New job opportunity might come your way shortly. Bad relations with junior employees may be stressful; Not a good time to enter business or matrimonial partnership! Obstacle in any new work might cause delay. On Professional front, no job changes for now. Do not count much on luck, instead work hard and you will be a winner on all fronts. Suitable colors: White, green, red and orange. Days: Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Propitiatory prayers for Navagraha will be helpful.
SAGITTARIUS / Dhanush (Fire sign, ruling planet is Jupiter) - (Nov 23 – Dec 21)
Jupiter Sign – Stars covered Moola, Purva Shada, Uttara Shada (first part)
Overall, it is a gainful time through own efforts and of spouse. Finances improve; debts are paid off, money through sale purchase in real estate. Romance and love is in the air; avoid over-indulgence in anything. Risk from metal or fire cannot be ruled out. Abstinence from eating non-vegetarian food on Thursday will be helpful. Donating yellow chana daal in your place of worship will ease the strains. On health issues, you might face liver, ear, sinus and allergy problems, take care. Suitable colors: Yellow, white and green. Days: Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Propitiate Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu. *For Rahu / Ketu, see Aries sign, For Jupiter, see Taurus
CAPRICORN / Makara (Earthen sign, ruling planet is Saturn) - (Dec 22 – Jan 20)
Saturn Sign – Stars covered Uttara Shada (last 3 parts) Shravana, Dhanistha (first 2 parts)
Tremendous gains from property, sale and purchase of real estate seen. Expenses on vehicles or household appliances, insurances may go up on vehicles for some. Some may have to travel oversees to visit aged parents and settle property issues. Children need extra attention. Be extra careful while driving, do not gamble and work hard and count on less on luck instead. Suitabl colors: Yellow, red, white and green. Days: Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Propitiate Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu. * For Rahu / Ketu, see Aries sign, For Jupiter, see Taurus
AQUARIUS / Kumbha (Air sign, ruling planet is Saturn) – (Jan 21 – Feb 19)
Saturn Sign - Stars covered: Dhanishta (last 2 parts) Satabhisha, Purva Bhadra Pada (1st 3 parts)
Extremely gainful time for writers, accomplishment and honours seen; short journeys and travel seen too! Tremendous marital gains through spouse; real estate or commission agents should do well. Be careful while carrying other’s money, chances of misfortune high. High chance of getting involved! Windy (Vaata) and phlegmatic (Kapha) diseases, troubles in the legs, unforeseen dangers, laziness, weakness due to over-exertion, mental affliction, and stomach troubles can erupt; so be careful. Suitable colors: Black, blue and green, red and orange. Days: Tuesday through Sunday. Propitiate Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu. * For Rahu / Ketu, see Aries sign, For Jupiter, see Taurus
PISCES / Meena (Water sign, ruling planet is Jupiter) - (Feb 20 to March 20)
Jupiter Sign - Stars covered: Purva Bhadra Pada (last part) Uttara Bhadra Pada, Revathi
Gains through professional accomplishments, career progression, promotion in current jobs is high. Gains from ancestral property, business partnerships are seen too. Be careful while signing any papers. Take care of health, especially skin problems, problems related to pitta (boils, ulcers, intestinal problems). Diseases and infections may force some to take leave from work. Fasting on milk and banana on Tuesday and Thursday will be beneficial. Monetary expenses will be high so spend wisely. Suitable colors: Yellow, green, red and orange. Days: All. Navagraha pooja is highly beneficial.
Predictions become more accurate when you know your Lagna and Rashi! For detailed and personalized astrological predictions, call Pankaj Kohli at (905) 910-1441 or visit www.freshmindgreatideas.com