Chikungunya can be quite a debilitating disease, at times even lethal
and it often takes weeks for full recovery. Always thought to be a
benign disease in the past, the infection may be fatal as per the
health advisory from World Health Organization (WHO) and emerging
reports from afflicted regions. This could be from mutation of the
virus to a more virulent form. With international travel being so
common, it is a matter of time before this disease hits Europe and
America. So beware!
Recently, a few movie stars � in Kerala and Tamil Nadu � caught the
disease which created quite a commotion. It certainly helped to create
more awareness of this illness.
Several deaths have already been reported in South India, especially in
Kerala. The latest count is 80, but it could be more. There has been
constant debate about the outbreak in the Kerala assembly, but nobody
knows how to control the epidemic. Tourists coming from Europe and
America have been advised to take all precautions. WHO also has jumped
into the fray and is trying to raise global awareness. The organization
recently sent a team to India to study the situation. Some areas in
Indian Ocean such Madagascar and Reunion Islands are affected and a few
deaths have occurred there as well.
Every year, especially during monsoon time, these infections become
rampant. The earth is sodden and buildings start to decay, some even
collapse. Heavy growth of tall grass and other vegetations and
make-shift shops along the road side make the cleaning crew�s work (if
there is such a crew working in your town) difficult. Garbage and even
raw sewage collect around the buildings and road side, the best
breeding grounds for mosquito.
Here is another caution for all the travelers. There is a resurgence of
malaria in many parts in India, especially Mumbai and Mangalore, and it
is good to take precautions before you leave. Three friends of mine who
returned from India after a vacation were stricken with malaria. Many
of you thought that it has been eradicated long ago; not so! It exists
in many pockets in India and is still killing people all over the
world. Even anthrax, polio and whooping cough are trying to make a
comeback, so beware! And of course, dengue is everywhere; even the
prime minister�s grandchildren were hospitalized with it recently. One
good news was at least I didn�t hear any stories about rabies this
time. And the threat of avian flu may be subsiding.
Unfortunately water, air and ground pollution, motor vehicle accidents
and infections are some of the hot-button issues, which both travelers
and locals must face in India. And their socio-economic impact is quite
staggering. Tragically, the government and the local municipalities do
not seem to have much interest in any kind of cleanup and respond
poorly to the residents� grievances. So, every day, people � young and
old � die of viral fevers in India. The government�s wherewithal to
cope with a true pandemic is suspect. What was considered in the past
as an exhilarating and enjoyable trip to our homeland is turning into
nightmare to many. It is important to recognize that there are so many
infectious diseases waiting to prey on you, especially travelers like
us from foreign lands with our own lack of immunity for those local
So, take adequate precautions and best of luck with your next trip.
Cardiologist Dr. M. P. Ravindra Nathan, director of Hernando Heart
Clinic in Brooksville and editor-in-chief of the AAPI Journal, lives in
We have arrived into the peak season of RSV virus, as well as the flu
virus, which I talked about in my last two articles. Another crucial
illness among children is the stomach virus known as gastroenteritis.
The most common virus that causes vomiting and diarrhea among children
is the rotavirus along with other viruses. The rotavirus does tend to
occur in the colder winter months from November-April with the peak in
Florida being March and April. In the United States, most children have
at least 1-2 episodes of gastroenteritis by the age of 4.
The infection usually begins with vomiting followed by diarrhea. The
vomiting usually lasts for 1-2 days and then subsides. Usually there
can be 10-20 bowel movements a day in healthy children. Symptoms last
from 3-7 days with a gradual decrease in the watery diarrhea. Most
children have a primary episode that is more severe then the following
episodes, since immunity develops after the first rotavirus infection.
Most adults do not acquire this infection because of immunity, but if
they themselves have a mild episode then the children are likely to be
infected with symptoms. The younger the child, (3-24 months) the more
chances of a severe infection. The infection is acquired most commonly
by touching rotavirus contaminated toys, food prep areas, and toilet
The most important method of prevention is through hand washing. The
rotavirus can easily contaminate surfaces because of the large amount
of viral shedding in an infected child�s stool. The virus can survive
for days to weeks on surfaces, toys, etc. The usual disinfectants such
as bleach are ineffective. Cleaners with alcohol or 95 percent ethanol
are most effective.
Another key measure is vaccination. The Rotateq is a 3-dose vaccine
given by mouth at the age of 2, 4 and 6 months. This vaccine decreases
the likelihood as well as the severity of the infection. This vaccine
was recently made available and is recommended for all infants.
There is no treatment for the Rotavirus or any other stomach viruses.
The goal is to keep the child hydrated with fluids such as Infalyte,
Pedialyte and simple things like water. Juice is not a good choice for
children with diarrhea since it contains fructose and can make diarrhea
worse. Also avoid sodas and other sugar filled drinks like Kool-Aid
since they are not appropriate for rehydration. For a formula-fed
infant with frequent diarrhea it may help to change to soy formula or
lactose-free formula until the episodes decrease.
It is more important to get the vomiting under control in 12-24 hours
for the child to be rehydrated. Because a child�s stomach will be upset
from the virus, it is key to give small amounts of fluids for any child
that is vomiting. For any child less than 1 years of age, use
Pedialyte, or Infalyte or Kao-Lectrolyte if the child is vomiting
greater than two times, since the child will be less able to tolerate
regular formula. Give small amounts, usually half of what the child
normally takes, or sometimes even a quarter of the normal amount, but
more frequently. Once the vomiting is under control, then reintroduce
formula slowly as tolerated. For children 6 months and over, you also
can return to cereal, mashed bananas, etc. as tolerated.
For a breast-fed baby, feed smaller amounts more frequently. If the
child vomits more than two times than nurse only nurse for 5-7 minutes
but every half an hour to an hour. Once the vomiting is controlled for
greater than eight hours, then continue normal breast-feeding schedule.
For an older child greater than one, give small amounts of Pedialyte or
water sometimes even 1-2 tablespoons every 15 minutes or so and
increase as tolerated. After half a day of no vomiting, increase the
fluids slowly and add a diet containing crackers, rice, bananas, bread,
mashed potatoes, apple sauce. Normal diet can be continued after 24 hrs
of no vomiting. If your child wants to sleep at night, do not wake
him/her up if there is no immediate threat of dehydration. When the
child rests, the stomach also gets a break and helps recover the
stomach from the viral gastroenteritis.
If the child wears diapers and has diarrhea, it is very likely that the
skin surrounding the anus will get irritated from the diarrhea and
break down causing diaper rash. It is best to wash the child after each
episode of diarrhea to decrease the irritation from wiping so much and
also to protect the area by using diaper rash cream such as Desitin,
Balmex, etc., and coating it further with Vaseline.
Warning signs: Call your pediatrician or go to the Emergency Room
Signs of dehydration are no urine production in more than seven to
eight hours, or no tear production when crying, or very sleepy and hard
to wake up, or any drastic change in the child�s behavior.
If the diarrhea or vomit is bloody.
If the child has persistent vomiting and is unable to keep even small
amounts of fluids down or if the diarrhea occurs frequently with eight
episodes in eight hours or less.
Dr Payal Patel , a board-certified pediatrician in Tampa, can be reached at [email protected]
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