Khaas Baat : A Publication for Indian Americans in Florida

Editor's Note

By NITISH S. RELE and SHEPHALI J. RELE – [email protected]

This month, Khaas Bat celebrates its 15-year anniversary. We want to acknowledge and thank our dedicated volunteer columnists, past and present for their invaluable contributions, and well-wishers for their help and encouragement. And, of course, a publication cannot survive without support from advertisers.

We urge ardent readers of Khaas Baat, who pick up their copy from the grocery store/restaurant, to take out an annual or five-year subscription for home or office delivery of the newspaper. Ken and Katy Kotecha have been subscribers for over a decade now. “We moved to Tampa in 1994,” says the couple. “We soon noticed that there was no way we could find what was going on among the Indian community, without talking to people ‘in the know’ or perusing notices at Indian stores or restaurants. Then we saw one of the first issues of Khaas Baat. It listed events taking place in greater Tampa regardless of which group or organization was sponsoring them. An excellent solution to our problem. We were hooked. We called Nitish and subscribed to it, perhaps one of the first few paid subscribers.”

Credit also goes to community leaders across Florida for keeping us informed about events happening in their town. Sometimes, we hear about news and events too late. We request community leaders and organizers when planning activities to note our monthly deadline, the 20th of every month for the following month’s issue. We hope we have made a difference with our coverage of community events. We request regular readers to share Khaas Baat with your Florida friends. As always, we welcome suggestions and ideas on how we can better serve the Indian American community in Florida.

Khaas Baat is proud to be the ONE AND ONLY Sunshine State publication to offer comprehensive coverage of happenings in your Florida Indian community. Do follow us on twitter @khaasbaat and join us on Facebook for details about late-breaking events.

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