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Zodiac signs


Aries (March 21-April 20)
It is time for your creative talents to see the light of the day. Original thinking, skills and enterprise will shine. Children will show their talent. A strong desire will be present to assert yourself and stand up to demand your rights and a keen interest in the new, the mysterious and the esoteric � in life and in human knowledge will be there. All for the good, of course, but you can attain your own hopes/expectations/ambitions without trampling on others.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)
All your worries and tensions will seem to resurface. A huge workload and ceremonies, public dealing, conventions and campaigns add to it. Also, you will construct, repair, extend or renovate your home. You�ll have to work all hours of the day but be assured that He rewards those whose faith in Him remains unshaken.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)
Kind of calm, �the peace that passeth all understanding� descends on you. The benefits: meditation, prayer, religious rites leading to joy and tranquility. There will be better harmony at work and on the domestic scene. Efficiency will soar, so too will achievements, naturally, over time. You reach out to help needy people, the more sick, the more infirm, more sorrowing than you.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)
Popularity, warmth and caring, wish- fulfillment, the realization of hopes and dreams for the future -- now is the hour, for all these to come to pass. Parties, outings, family ceremonies and gatherings full of fun and laughter, glitter and joy are on the horizon. Strong family bonding will be there though there are some conflicts. Keep your temper and the family circle intact.

Leo (July 23-Aug 22)
Once again, the same determination, confidence will be present that you have faced earlier. Tremendous efforts are easily made to accomplish all you set out to do � targets and deadlines, achievements and assignments. You work, play, love and are loved with equal intensity. The �feel-good� factor is high indeed; so also is the praise lavished on you.

Virgo (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23)
It�s a time for you to be busy with plans, philosophic thoughts and assessments of self-evaluation. Your optimism and confidence will affect your friends and family, your work and play, associates and superiors. Your image in the eyes of the world and in your own eyes, too, has never been better. You will feel this is where you�ve wanted to be for a long time now. But there is humility, not pride; thankfulness, not self- congratulation in your attitude.

Libra (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23)
You embark on a thorough overhaul of family finances and your home. There will be luxuries, gadgets, even objects d�art for your home to improve the quality of life therein. An extra effort is naturally required but you�ll do it with a smile on your face and joy in your heart. You�ll be willing to go that extra mile, take that risk/gamble by being sure that Ganesha will not let you come to any harm.

Scorpio (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)
You�ll deal with the problems and pursuits of day-to-day life in this material world, but you�ll have a secret life in the higher world running parallel. Rebirth and reincarnation, karmic death, psychology, ESP, the occult and the life hereafter will have a hold over your mind. Strongly though, the trend is for love and laughter, a wedding or engagement, creative pursuits and hobbies. Gamble, speculation, money-spinning deals also are indicated.

Sagittarius (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21)
Family ties, romance, love and your own health register major upswings especially love, whether you�re married or single. It�s as if nothing can go wrong. You will have to handle domestic matters. The bonding and closeness you experience makes this difficult to handle.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)
All your efforts will meet with success. Your calm, peace of mind and mental poise are marvelous to behold. Petty conflicts, problems will arise and so too demands on you at work. Of course again, you�ll take them all in your stride, as confident and serene as perhaps who has made it all happen.

Aquarius (Jan. 21-Feb. 19)
Work-related matters first � new ventures, partnerships and projects are all revamped, streamlined by you. Family, relatives, parents and in-laws, children and most importantly your loved one/ spouse/mate draw into a magic circle of love and sharing. Finally, the community and society, too, will benefit from your care, attention, willingness to help, counsel and support. Perhaps, you have never before been cherished and loved more than what you experience now.

Pisces (Feb. 20-Mar. 20)
Profits and benefits � both materially and spiritually are yours for the taking. Money matters first: joint funds, capital, loans and even household expenses will be dealt with, so that things go smoothly. Also legal issues, leases and legacies will be handled. A renewed faith in your maker, the desire to deserve him sincerely in this world and the willingness to make the extra effort to do so will exist. Religion, prayer, spirituality will be your main stay in all you do.

For more accurate predictions according to Hindu Vedic sastra (moon sign), call 1-866-287-3415 or click on on the Internet.
Services offered: Vedic astrology, numerology, reiki, yoga.

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