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Zodiac signs


Aries (March 21-April 20)
Property, house, shares will keep you busy. You may feel that you have neglected your family, domestic interests and home in absorption with these worries. You now try not only to make amendments on the family scene but also go in for a careful survey of finances. Thus, care and concern are definitely the watchwords now. You strive for greater financial and business skills, management techniques and learn some smart moves and sharp practices. A shift of some kind could happen, too, but more to improve your assets/income than a desire to relocate.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)
You�re drawn to thrills and dangers, and risks of all kinds seem to be fascinating, virtually irresistible. It could take several forms and there are pitfalls in all. You need to think carefully and sensibly. It could be gambling for high stakes, risky investments in the bourses, perhaps betting on cricket matches, even. The wild streak could even have you involved, or in love, with someone who is blatantly wrong for you but enthralls you completely. Even your temper and attitude finds you on a short fuse.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)
Your adrenaline fix takes on a more positive and creative note, thankfully, as the vibes and results will be for everyone�s good. You will feel charged, in fact supercharged, with an energy which makes you feel you can take on the world and carry it on your shoulders. What you will almost certainly do is pursue your hobbies, the arts, music � all the creative forms of _expression of self. You also will romance with the opposite sex in terms of vibes rather than serious happy pursuit. Happy times together rather than long-term commitment will be the way you go about it.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)
You now concentrate on matters pertaining to home, family, domestic funds, the home budget and you do it both imaginatively and competently. It is more for what you can do with these, for a better lifestyle as well as better future - and that, too, not only for yourself. You realize the need to strike a good deal, explore a lucrative offers and collaborations. Travel could happen. Perhaps, you could be taking a short refresher course, a study tour, which could entail travel to distant places. There are various interesting possibilities.

Leo (July 23-Aug 22)
Once again, the necessity to reach out, any way you can, will be important indeed: It is almost the sole theme this week and also your best bet. These are the four levels or ways in which you will use to communicate with people and equally with your own self. You�re trying to gain a perspective on yourself, your life and future.

Virgo (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23)
In addition to being good at loving, even if not always trusting, and good at caring, you also can be meticulous. It is this side of you that comes to the fore now. The reason or motivation is your desire not only to get things done well, but security for those around you, your dependents, older people, even the young and totally defenseless. It is this side of you that now comes into prominence. You get down to the nitty-gritty details of work, the little jobs, the fine-tuning that makes things run smoothly.

Libra (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23)
You find that you can work long and hard because you know that the welfare of those close to you is rewarding. It also reveals the strength in your character � the realization that mutual desires lead to shared duties. Understanding glorifies your actions. You experience affection deeply, reflectively and draw mental strength and sustenance from quiet moments. This quieter time gives you fresh insights, and leads to both material benefits and more importantly, spiritual gains.

Scorpio (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)
For Scorpios, relationships and bonds are almost the centers of existence. Some long overdue matters will get attention; perhaps pending business matters will be successfully completed. Your relationships thus contain a lot. But that is not the limit of your involvements and love, caring and sharing. A new trend of concern and involvement with your surroundings will manifest itself now, and prevail through the lunar month.

Sagittarius (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21)
In all that you think, feel and do, there is a special force and strength, which is directed at your home. You take on both extra work and responsibilities so that there is added income for the home. And you now strive to do it with grace and style. There is a special power, insight, even electricity, not to mention a touch of spirituality in all your dealings, emotions and actions. It adds both quality and depth to all you say, do and act upon, both personally and at work.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)
The joys of living dangerously, the conscious seeking of thrills will be like magnet. You are suddenly cutting loose � or seem to be. Finances are calculated with risks. But there is an element of care in the dangers that you are handling because they�re geared to a different purpose. You�re not seeking excitement for its own sake, but that little something extra (in both love and money) to make life happier for you and your family. They are still your main concern, but seek shared exhilaration and enthusiasm while the time-honored truth that love and money are the strongest motivators remains true.

Aquarius (Jan. 21-Feb. 19)
You will direct things, hold reins in your hands but with charm, persuasion and most importantly, professionalism. Your efforts are rewarded with success especially in money matters where you display skill, dynamism and just the �smarts.� While you�re popular, cared for and loved, you�re giving out love and care in almost a barter system. You shoulder heavy responsibilities willingly and gladly. Family love intensifies alongside. You are feeling good all through this quarter. Success can do that to you.

Pisces (Feb. 20-Mar. 20)
Your successes have made your self-esteem soar, and rightly so. It teaches you pragmatism and how to watch out for yourself. You think of what benefits you best � in the short term as well as in the more distant future. Career-advancement, hard work and matching rewards, providing comforts and luxuries for now and security for the future - all these motivate you to sheer, slogging hard work. There is not a whisper of doubt and discontent in you.

For more accurate predictions according to Hindu Vedic sastra (moon sign), call 1-866-287-3415 or click on on the Internet.
Services offered: Vedic astrology, numerology, reiki, yoga.

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